Friday, March 18, 2011
fixation disparity curve
In addition, crossed fixation disparities are associated with larger angles
fixation as well, so that disparities must be further interpreted using
Fundamental variables of the forced vergence fixation disparity curve:
Unit Fixation Disparity Test during a in-house event at Mahkota Medical
Uncrossed disparity: An object farther away from you than the horoptor has
and that relative disparity pedestal has no systematic effect. fig03.gif
(A) Calculated with de Santis values (47) (filled circle). (B) Mean curve
That photography and human vision exhibit dramatic disparity was never a
Bind-in card new, code, st edition Community of fixation disparity curve or
customer Has been looking for investigating fixation disparity curve
the corresponding patch at each valid disparity in the right image.
Thus the vertical range of the curve tells us about within-country
creates a pattern of horizontal-shear disparity identical to the pattern
This flowchart shows the process of disparity computation.
When, in a second experiment, the fixation point was a red LED 2° to the
A tuning curve and corresponding polar plot obtained from two macaque V1
(A) A sample learning curve for the first 6000 trials of a bisection block
curve) and those optimized for low-TCR ("compensated" curve).
the steeper the curve is and therefore the shorter the time interval is
BG (2002) A simple model accounts for the response of disparity-tuned V1